No. 005
David Crowley
National Style and Nation State
translated by Iguchi Toshino and Suga Yasuko
published by Sairyusha Press, Tokyo in March 2006
ISBN4-7791-1160-9 C0070
No. 004
Suga Yasuko
British Society and Design: The Politics of Representing Morris and Modernism
published by Sairyusha, Tokyo in December 2005
No. 003
Sarah Teasley and Watabe Chiharu
20th Century Design History
Published by Petit Grand Publishing, Tokyo in October 2005
No. 002
Iguchi Toshino and Kodera Tsukasa eds.
Avant-garde Manifestoes: Modernism in Central and Eastern Europe
published by Sangensha Publishing, Tokyo in September 2005
No. 001
Véronique Patteeuw ed.
What is OMA: Considering Rem Koolhaas and the Office for Metropolitan Architecture
translated by Hashimoto Keiko
published by TOTO Shuppan, Tokyo in May 2005