
Editorial Board of Design History

Endo Ritsuko, Part-time lecturer of Tamagawa University,Tsuda
University,Musashino Art University. graphic designer
Goto Hirika ,Tsuda University
Kakuyama Tomoko, Kanagawa University, Chair of the dhwj
Kikuchi Yuko,Kanazawa ,College of Art
Nishioka Yoshiya, Tsukuba University of Technology
Sato Mayuka, Reitaku University, Secretary General of the dhwj
Suga Yasuko, Tsuda University
Takashiro Hikari, Tokyo Polytechnic University

Editorial Advisory Board of Design History

David Crowley, Royal College of Art, UK
Ekuan Shoji, Japan
Jeremy Aynsley, University of Brighton, UK
Jonathan M. Woodham, Emeritus Professor, Brighton University
Nagata Kenichi, Nagoya University of Arts
Paul Greenhalgh, Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Canada
Penny Sparke, Kingston University, UK
Shoji Akiko, Japan
Sarah Teasley, RMIT University,Australia
Watanabe Toshio, University of East Arglia, UK

Editorial Policy

Design History is a research journal published annually by the Design History Workshop Japan.

The Editorial Board recognizes design history as a distinct discipline of research, but does not see it as a narrow academic field. Close relations and collaboration with other academic fields such as material and visual culture studies will bring new developments to the field of design history, and with national and cultural borders vanishing, the geographical area we must consider as design historians covers the globe from Japan, the Pacific Rim and Asia to Europe, the Americas and Africa. Addressing these issues from a standpoint based on the co-existence of cultural difference means,
moreover, that we cannot look only at modern industrial societies, but must look also at the pre-modern, where in specific regions or eras. Most importantly, design history must address the actions involved in both the production and the consumption of design.

The journal of the Design History Workshop Japan works from these basic assumptions to think about the political, economic, social, technological and cultural roles and meanings of design in ways that are historical, international and interdisciplinary, and to bring further developments to design history as new and independent research field.

The Editorial Board welcomes article submissions from research-
ers, historians, postgraduate students, designers, craftspeople, cura-
tors, promoters, collectors and journalists in Japan and overseas with

an interest in the history of design or a related field. All submissions should follow the submission guidelines. Each article submitted will be carefully reviewed by members chosen from the Editorial Board and the Editorial Advisory Board. Design History publishes articles in Japanese and/or English.

We have strong hopes that the journal will become an active site for design history research internationally.


Guidelines for Submissions of English Manuscripts

Enacted on 22 November 2002
Amended on 26 March 2005

Qualifications for Submission
All those submitting manuscripts for consideration for publication in Design History must either be a member of the Design History Workshop Japan, or have gained the prior approval of the editor.

Submissions must include the name and address of the author. Please submit digital date(pdf ) to the Editorial Board of Design History by the end of October of each calendar year.
Submitted articles should be composed of the following: title, abstract, keywords, body, notes, images, image captions and sources and author biography. The journal accepts only original work. Articles submitted in English should be accompanied by a title, abstract, key words and author biography in Japanese. Articles submitted in English should be typed double-spaced, formatted on A4-size paper.

The maximum length for the elements of English articles is as follows: 6,000- word body, 250-word English abstract, 550-character Japanese abstract, 6 keywords, 80-word English author biography, 200-word Japanese author biography and 15 images. Please employ a clear, simple title that bears relation to the content of the article.

Review Process
Articles submitted will be subject to review by the Editorial Board, after which the final decision whether the article shall be published or not to the author. The Editorial Board will not respond to queries as to why an article was rejected for publication. 
The Editorial Board may ask members of the Editorial Advisory Board for comments and reviews, and may request revisions from authors as necessary. Authors of final manuscripts accepted for publication should provide digital date. Please use Microsoft Word format for text, and jpeg format scanned at a resolution of 300-600 dpi for images.

Permissions and Copyright
Authors are solely responsible for obtaining all necessary permissions to reproduce copyrighted text, images and other citations hat appear in the article. All published material is copyrighted by the Editorial Board of Design History.

As a general rule, authors may proofread articles once before printing.

Publication Fee
The authors of articles that peer reviewers have selected for publication are required to pay JY 15,000 as the publication fee, in keeping with common practice for Japanese academic journals.

Authors will receive three free copies of the journal in which their article appears. Offprints will be printed upon request of the author, in the quantity specified by the author. The author bears the sole expense for offprints.

Address all queries about guidelines and requests for further information to the Editorial Board of Design History.

Editorial Board of Design History
Design History Workshop Japan
c/o Faculty of Foreign Languages, Reitaku University
2-1-1, Hikarigaoka, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba-ken, 277-8686, Japan