Symposium 2024




デザイン史学研究会 第16回シンポジウム
過去・現在・未来 −デザイン・アーカイヴのあり方を探る−−


○ 開催日時・場所
埼玉県立近代美術館 講堂 
〒330-0061 埼玉県さいたま市浦和区常盤9丁目30−1 JR北浦和駅2分

○ 登壇者
パネリスト  * 敬称略
開会 10:30
第1部 10:40ー11:10
・新倉慎右(慶應義塾大学アート・センター 所員/学芸員)
・ 面矢慎介(滋賀県立大学名誉教授・道具学会副会長)
・ 井口壽乃(埼玉大学名誉教授・日本デザイン学会副会長)
第2部 ディスカッション 11:20ー11:50
モジュレーター 角田 かるあ(慶応義塾大学大学院 )
閉会 12:00


Symposium 2022

2022年、デザイナー三宅一生の国立デザインミュージアム設立宣言から 10 年を経て、あらためてデザインミュージアムの現在と未来の可能性を考えます。近年、人びとの生活にかかわるデザイン、工芸、プロダクトなどをテーマとする展覧会が増えていますが、日本にはいまだ国立のデザインミュージアムは存在しません。デザインをミュージアムの領域にいかに組み込んでいくのかという課題、そして日本でのデザインミュージアムのあり方についての議論をさらに推し進めるべき時期にあると考えます。

日時:7月9日(土) 13:30 -17:00
場所:神奈川大学 みなとみらいキャンパス 4F 米田吉盛記念講堂(オンライン同時配信)


Symposium 2021(Online)

後援:お茶の水女子大学生活科学部生活文化学講座・津田塾大学言語文化研究所「 都市・女性・モダニティ」研究会

お申し込み:下記フォームよりお願いいたします。(12/5 締切 参加費無料)

13:00-13:10 開催趣旨 門田園子 (お茶の水女子大学グローバルリーダーシップ研究所)
13:10-13:40 基調講演 神野由紀 (関東学院大学)
 「日常生活のデザイン文化史研究- 室内空間と趣味の問題を例に」

第一部: 司会  菅靖子 (津田塾大学)
13:40-14:00 角山朋子 (神奈川大学)
14:00-14:20 後藤礼圭 (津田塾大学)

第二部: 司会  鈴木禎宏 (お茶の水女子大学)
遠藤佳奈子 (お茶の水女子大学)
「明治2-30 年代家事教科書における「季節」概念について」
佐々木朋子 [ お茶の水女子大学]
「くらしのなかの化粧 – 大正・昭和初期の婦人雑誌に着目して」

15:20-16:10 パネル・ディスカッション

15th Symposium

15th Symposium
Design of the Olympic Games
Organizer: Tsuda University, Design History Workshop Japan
In Collaboration with: Suga Project, The Institute for Research in Language and Culture, Tsuda University
Date: 13:00 – 17:00 14th July, 2018
Venue: Sendagaya campus, Tsuda University

1 13:00‐13:50

Toshino Iguchi, Chair, Design History Workshop Japan; Vice-president, Saitama University

Keynote Speech
Projecting Britain through Design: The London Olympics of 1948
(“the Austerity Games”) and the London Olympics of 2012 (and ’Big Society’).
Jonathan M Woodham, Emeritus Professor, University of Brighton


2 14:00‐15:30

Panel presentation
Masaru Katsumi in the Olympic Organizing Committee
Mika Nishimura, Professor, Meisei University

Emblems of the Tokyo Olympic Games
Takuya Kida, Professor, Musashino Art University

Typography for the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games
Masayuki Yamamoto, Associate Professor, Gifu University

Olympic Games and International Movement of Standardization of Pictograms
Hisayasu Ihara, Professor, Kyushu University

After an Affair: The Installation Designs between 1964 Tokyo Olympics
and 1967 Montreal Expo
Yasutaka Tsuji, Assistant Professor, Keio University

1964/2020 Comparison of Olympic Design
Takemi Kuresawa, Professor, Tokyo University of Technology

3 15:40‐17:00

Discussant: Toshino Iguchi
Flyer PDF

14th Symposium

DHWJ Symposium 2016Nippon Product

Date : 9th July 2016 14:00-17:00  
Place: Large Meeting Room, 4F, E-Building, Kobe University.
*Free Admission, This Symposium Does Not Require Reservation.

13:30 Acceptance
14:00 Opening remarks
14:05 Patr1
1. Ikuta Yuki, Mie Prefectural Art Museum
KATAGAMI Rediscovered: Traditional Crafts as a Catalyzer

2. Kawakami Hinako, Setsunan University
The Influences of Lacquer Artist Seizo Sugawara on Furniture, Interior, and Architecture Works of Eileen Gray

3. Onohara Noriko, University of Hyogo
Reception of Kimono Culture in Contemporary British Fashion

16:00 Part2 Panel Discussion

Flyer PDF

13th Symposium

DHWJシンポジウム2015Suits and Kimono: Reconsidering Japanese Modern Fashion
517, University building B, Kyoto Women’s University
13:30 Acceptance
14:00 Opening remarks
14:05 Patr1
1. Lars Bertram, Saitama University
The Role of the Suits during the Japanese Modernization:
Metamorphosis from an alien object to the symbol of salary men

2. Mitsuhashi Junko, Meiji University
There were no modern girls wearing kimono? :Meisen as modern fashion

3. Narumi Hiroshi, Kyoto Women’s University
What is ‘youfuku’? : A critical comment on the western clothes ideology

16:00 Part2 Panel Discussion

Symposium, Design Archives

Date: 22 November 2014, at 14.00-18.00
Place: Underground auditorium, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
3-1 Kitanomaru Park, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN

*No reservation required, event is free

Part 1
Professor Catherine Moriarty 
 (Curatorial Director, University of Brighton Design Archives)
Theme: ICOGRADAアーカイブについて

Part 2
Michiyo HONJO (Musashino Art University Museum & Library)
Theme: 武蔵野美術大学のデザイン・アーカイブ

Part 3
Hideyuki KIDO(DNP Foundation for Cultural Promotion)
Theme: 田中一光アーカイヴ

Part 4
Sachiko KODAMA(University of Electoro-Communication)
Theme: デザイン表現の知的財産権をめぐる問題

第12回 シンポジウム

DHWJシンポジウム2014_A4fixJapanese Urban Everyday Life & Design

Date and time: 19th July 2014 14:00〜17:00
Location: Aoyama Gakuin University, Astudio Hall
*No reservation required, event is free
Many specialists have noted that as Japanese society became economically mature at the beginning of 21st century, the envisaged goals of future visions and growth started disappearing under the burgeoning development of consumer society and media. However, this state was disrupted by the Tohoku earthquake and these new unexpected conditions that resulted in halted decisions left us alerted towards the fragility of temporary structures of growth and wealth, and cultural and technological progress.
Three years have passed and life in the cities returned more or less to normal, yet the unsettling feeling of anxiety and suspicion remained present in the society and some people even feel embarrassed when looking back at their blind believe in superficial wealth in the period prior to the earthquake.
Prompted by this new understanding of the current state and shift in our value system, we shall reconsider the implications of rich variety within the city life, connections between Japanese approach to design and society and finally, how specific or even unique this approach is.
The first part of the symposium will present three presenters and their views that share the same point of departure which is Kon Wajiro’s Modernologio, a concept that resulted from Kon’s exploration of post-1923 earthquake development of consumer society. The second section will be devoted to discussion of ides presented between the speakers and the audience.

Part 1
Narumi Hiroshi (Professor, Kyoto Women’s University)
Potential for Slow Fashion ?

Kuroishi Izumi (Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University)
Design of cosiness

Makabe Tomoharu (Project developer)
Theory of kawai    

Part 2 Panel discussion
Moderator: Kuroishi Izumi

第11回 シンポジウム


13 July 2013, at 14.00-17.00
Waseda University
Part 1: Keynote Speech
Fujimori Terunobu, (Kogakuin University& University of Tokyo)
Theme: Japan versus Europe ― The Contest for the First Modernist Architecture
Part 2: Panel Discussion
Tanaka Atsuko (Axess Residential Design and Research)
Theme: The way to the International Style: Tsuchiura Kameki’s Residential Design and the Correspondence with Richard Neutra

Hiromitsu Umemiya (Kobe University)
Theme: Reception and Evolution of Euroamerican Avant-garde Theatre Design in Kawakita Renshichiro’s Architectural Plans

Helena Capkova (Waseda University)
Theme: Transnational networkers ? Yamawaki Iwao and Michiko’s Japanese Modernist Design

Sarah Teasley (School of Humanities, Royal College of Art)
Theme: Modernism is in the making: Furniture manufacturing and global networks

Tadokoro Shinosuke (Nihon University)
Coordinator : Helena Capkova (Waseda University)

[ PDF for printing ]

第10回 シンポジウム

sympo10Oriental Modernity: East Asian Design History 1920-1990

14 July 2012, at 14.00-17.00
The National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo
Part 1: Keynote Speech
Hida Toyoro (Akita Municipal Junior College Of Arts and Crafts)

Part 2: Panel Discussion
Kikuchi Yuko (University of the Arts London)
Theme: Making a Transnational Design History in East Asia: Yen Shuilong’s Craft-Design Movement

Ling Wessie (University of the Arts London)
Theme: Trans/national production: The authenticity of Chinese fashion

Lee Yunah (University of Brighton)
Theme: Probing on the authenticity of Koreanness in the transnational context: Korean graphic design in 1970s and 1980s

Suga Yasuko (Tsuda University)
Theme: Networking East Asia through Kogei: Jiyu Gakuen Peking Life School

Kida Takuya (The National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo)
Theme: Japanese Craftsmen Crossing Borders: “Asian-ness” in Modern Crafts

Modulator: Iguchi Toshino (Saitama University, Chair of the Design History Workshop Japan)

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