Symposium, Design Archives

Date: 22 November 2014, at 14.00-18.00
Place: Underground auditorium, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
3-1 Kitanomaru Park, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN

*No reservation required, event is free

Part 1
Professor Catherine Moriarty 
 (Curatorial Director, University of Brighton Design Archives)
Theme: ICOGRADAアーカイブについて

Part 2
Michiyo HONJO (Musashino Art University Museum & Library)
Theme: 武蔵野美術大学のデザイン・アーカイブ

Part 3
Hideyuki KIDO(DNP Foundation for Cultural Promotion)
Theme: 田中一光アーカイヴ

Part 4
Sachiko KODAMA(University of Electoro-Communication)
Theme: デザイン表現の知的財産権をめぐる問題